Sims wear Normal clothes by default, and they are the only clothing category available in Create a Sim. All other categories have a default outfit, which is automatically assigned to Sims when they are created. It is not possible to purchase Normal outfits, as wardrobes contain all available everyday clothes. Prior to Hot Date, the wardrobe's "Change Clothes" option would change a Sim into the next available Normal outfit for his or her age, gender, and skin tone, even if it didn't use the same body type. If Hot Date or a later expansion is installed, the "Change Clothes" option opens a dialog which allows the player to flip through previews of the Normal outfits available for the Sim's age, gender, skin tone, and body type. However, custom wardrobes based on pre- Hot Date wardrobes still work in the old way. Hot Date introduces the ability to purchase new outfits for other categories, which can be bought on community lots. However, the new outfit replaces the old one, meaning that a Sim can only have one of each type of clothing at any given time. Vacation introduces Winterwear, Superstar introduces the High Fashion category, while Makin' Magic introduces Princely attire exclusively for Prince Sims.Įvery category of clothing has its own individual clothing rack, which only allows Sims to buy that type of clothing. There are also two racks that allow Sims to buy several different categories of clothing. One, included in Hot Date, is for adults, while the other, included in Vacation, is for kids. In addition to the specially designated kids' clothing rack, children can use the racks for Swimsuits, PJs, and Winterwear, as long as they're in one of the community areas that kids can travel to.

Players can have Sims try on outfits before buying them. The Sim will go into a changing booth, change into the selected outfit, and pose in front of a mirror. After a short time, the clerk will approach the Sim, and the player will be asked if they want to have the Sim buy that outfit.